Difference between hardware and software

          difference between hardware and software 

                               Comparison chart

Hardware versus Software comparison chart
DefinitionPhysical Components of computer is known as hardware
Devices that are required to store and execute (or run) the software.
Collection of instructions that enables a user to interact with the computer. Software is a program that enables a computer to perform a specific task, as opposed to the physical components of the system (hardware).
TypesInput,storage,processing,control, and output devices.System software, Programming software, and Application software.
ExamplesCD-ROM, monitor, printer, video card, scanners , label makers, routers , and modems.Quickbooks, Adobe Acrobat, Winoms-Cs, Internet Explorer , Microsoft Word , Microsoft Excel
FunctionHardware serve as the delivery system for software solutions. The hardware of a computer is infrequently changed, in comparison with software and data, which are “soft” in the sense that they are readily created, modified, or erased on the computTo perform the specific task you need to complete. Software is generally not needed to for the hardware to perform its basic level tasks such as turning on and reponding to input.
Inter dependencyHardware starts functioning once software is loaded.To deliver its set of instructions, Software is installed on hardware.
FailureHardware failure is random. Hardware does have increasing failure at the last stage.Software failure is systematic. Software does not have an increasing failure rate.
DurabilityHardware wears out over time.Software does not wear out over time. However, bugs are discovered in software as time passes.
NatureHardware is physical in nature.Software is logical in nature.
Difference between hardware and software Difference between hardware and software Reviewed by The IK Series on Friday, October 27, 2017 Rating: 5

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